How to pick a yoga teacher training course, and why it matters
Students often ask me to recommend yoga teacher training courses. And the truth is, it's really difficult for me to do that. YTT...
In praise of anonymity as equanimity
Show of hands: how many of us have ever been a student in a yoga class and heard the teacher say, in the midst of a series of alignment...
Asmita: Ego, Yoga Teachers, and Social Media
I recently alluded on Instagram to something that's been percolating in the back of my mind for the past few months. Apparently, it...

Thoughts on Yoga, Bodies, and Our Responsibilities as Teachers
I recently read an article in the New York Times entitled "For Teenage Girls, Swimsuit Season Never Ends." The article begins by talking...

These are a few of my favourite things....
Maybe we need to file this under "narcissistic blog posts" but I always love it when friends, family and colleagues share the everyday...

What the hell do you do all day? AKA a day in the life of a yoga teacher
People (friends, parents, strangers I meet on planes) often ask me what my schedule is like as a yoga teacher. How do I fill my days if I...

"It's OK": finding santosha with David Swenson
I was lucky enough to spend last week in a 40-hour intensive teacher training course with David Swenson. The course was designed to train...